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Too many things to be done within stipulated time

Student: Sir, I am transferred to new division which is very exciting.

The current division handing over work is also in progress.

Facing tremendous pressure. I am trying to complete in a hurry so it ends up messy. Throughout the day I am in experiencing excitement, stress, tension. I cannot bear it any more, may become mad. Not eating or sleeping properly also.

Naran sir: Take vervain, cherryplum, Impatiens, Hornbeam during day time. In the evening, take vervain, white chestnut, Rockwater, olive

Vervain - Anything in excess

Cherryplum - To prevent too much of mental strain

Impatiens - Not to rush up. Frees one from tension and stress.

Hornbeam - To overcome mental fatigue

Rockwater - Not to skip food. Skipping meals is self-denial

Olive - To overcome physical fatigue

(After a month)

Student : Sir, I started taking the remedies.

Tension reduced. I handed over all my work to my successor properly in a relaxed manner. Moved to new division. Work has begun so smoothly and I am enjoying my work. Thanks to Divine Flowers which made this smooth transition possible.


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