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Fulfilment at Your Finger Tips

  1. Do the Acceptance Mudra and affirm, "I accept myself totally. I release my desire to be an actor". If you want to reduce your weight then affirm, "I accept myself totally. I release my desire to reduce my weight". Or you affirmation could be, “I accept myself totally. I release my desire to look attractive". Thus release all your desires to loose your weight. Why should I release my desires? Even desires are a form of resistance to achieve our goals and objectives. To see how to do acceptance Mudra:

  2. Do Jupiter Mudra and affirm, "I release my resistance to become an actor". If you have a desire that is unfulfilled, it means there is a resistance inside you. To reduce your weight, affirm, “I release my resistance to reduce my weight”. Sometimes we want something consciously, but unconsciously we will be resisting that. This is called psychological reversal. To see how to do Jupiter Mudra:

  3. Do Movement Mudra and affirm, "I have become an actor", "I have started to act in so and so film" as though the desire has happened already. To see how to do Movement Mudra: At least spend 5-15 minutes in each Mudra, in the order mentioned. Do them twice a day.


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