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Ear pain whenever I open my mouth

Sam Whenever I open my mouth – either when yawning or while coughing, I get a pain in the right ear.

Naran Do you use a mobile a lot?

Sam I don’t.

Naran This could be due to Apanan (Prana), which has to flow downwards. Instead, it is flowing upwards instead. Do the Chin Mudra (index finger touching the tip of thumb on both the hands). It will help the Apanan to flow downwards.

Sam (after three days) My pain has completely gone. Usually, my stomach is bloated in the evening from 4 pm until 9 pm. Because of that, my belly looks bigger. Can I do the Chin Mudra to reduce this bloating?

Naran Yes you can. Additionally, chant ‘Vallabam Gajaananam Eka Thantham”. The mantra will make you enjoy food. When you don’t enjoy eating your food, you will tend to nibble your food. You need to munch the food a lot (for at least for 40 seconds) before swallowing it. This helps saliva to get mixed with food, which helps the digestion process.


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