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Tool of Mahalakshmi

Grace It seems like people have used this same symbol to represent evil deeds. How can this be?

Naran Whose fault is it – the symbol’s or people’s? Anything good, if it is in the hands of bad people, will bring bad. Everything in this world is a tool. But Mahalakshmi is PURE DELIGHT and LOVE. Money is her tool. ALAKSHMI, namely arrogance and pride, will always follow Mahalakshmi. It is man who has to be careful, while handling money. What is the attitude one has to develop for handling money? Prahalad, the son of Hiranyakashb, the well-known Asura, shows us the way. When questioned by Indra, he said the following: “I handle money with the highest devotion to Lord Narayana in the heart, keeping in mind, the basic principle that ‘None of this wealth is mine. Everything belongs to Sri Lakshmi’. This devotion keeps me in prosperity always”.


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