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Think Pink

Writer's picture: ChampaklalChampaklal

Origin of Colors

Each color descends from a particular world. Even though all colors are visible to us, we don’t know from which world these colors appear to us.

Blue color descends from blue world. Pink color descends from pink world and so on.

How to reduce your anger?

Close your eyes, visualize pink color descending from the pink world, filling your heart.

On filling the entire heart, it overflows and fills all parts of your body. Now, your entire body is filled with pink color.

Visualize that this pink color goes…

  1. To everyone with whom you had a quarrel, dispute or had been angry in the past

  2. To those who are angry about you

On sending this color, affirm “My anger has reduced. Let your anger also reduce. ”

Say the pink color goes to this person, that person and so on to all those whom are angry with. In addition, say the affirmation as you send the pink color.

Question: Can we do it for the departed souls?

Yes, it can be done. Death is only for the physical body. Soul exists.

We do ceremonies (ritual for remembering the dead) every year for the departed person to show our gratitude to them.

In this world, nobody is alone. Everybody is connected with each other in some way or other.

We think that we are connected only to our relatives and known people. But, it is not so. Everybody is connected to each other in the Sukhshama (Pranic) world.

How to use this technique in our lives?

You are about to meet somebody who has a difference of opinion with you. Before, you meet them in person, call upon the pink energy and fill your heart.

Request pink energy “Pink light please be active on the energy of —————— (person’s name)” and visualize the other person‘s Pranic body is filled with pink energy.

Imagine a pink cord connecting you and the other person at heart center (the center of the chest for men and breasts for women). If this cord is established, there won’t be any conflict, fight or quarrel between both of you.

If you are afraid that problems and conflicts may arise then use pink energy to solve them.  This will resolve all the issues.


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