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Say goodbye to lover of your past

Writer's picture: Brilla ElsolBrilla Elsol

SM How does one forget -- forget one’s past love? We got separated many years ago and now he is married. But, after many years, he got in touch with me. What started off as two people catching up with each other’s lives, took totally a different turn. I keep wondering if it was a mistake to have parted from him earlier, which has affected me badly. Now, I can’t help thinking of him and it hurts me a lot. However, getting back together is unthinkable as I will never destroy another family. Please, please tell me what I can do to forget him and move on with my own life!!!

Naran For overcoming love pangs, and to move away swiftly from the one whom you loved, there are four Bach flower remedies – CHICORY, WALNUT, GENTIAN and WILDROSE. Buy these remedies from any homeopathy shop.  Put 6 pills of each in a 200 ml water bottle. Have small sips from that water every one hour. Before taking the sips, shake the bottle ten times. It is your mind drama and you have to overcome this by prudence only. Think why you need him and list out the disadvantages of being with him. These disadvantages will work as seeds of separation. You cannot escape that. In addition, write the following affirmation, “I RELEASE ALL THE PAST TO BE AT PEACE. DIVINE TAKES ME IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION” as many times as possible. Daily, listen to the CD, "I LOVE MYSELF", prepared by me.

SM Thank you for all your help. Will truly try to do whatever you have said. But in case I'm unable to get any of the Bach flower remedies, can I just write or recite them? Yes, I do know that my mind has a lot to do with my unhappiness and am trying my best to convince myself always that the best path to take is to forget him. But it’s really difficult. Are there also any switch words/angel numbers/animal guides, which will also help me in this problem? As you can see, I am really desperate and will use whatever means to get some peace of mind.

Naran You mail me where you are residing. I will guide you where to get the remedies. You can write the names of these remedies and help yourself. You can also chant," I accept myself totally and I choose to forget him as I have forgotten my childhood days" Download a picture of BLACK TOURMALINE and keep it under your pillow.


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