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Reduce my weakness

Satish The chemotherapy treatment started as scheduled. Next cycle will be in 10 days time. Meantime, the patient has  become  very  weak, gradually  losing  weight – lost  about  12 kgs  in  last  40  days. His  platelet count  has  also  come  down  from  1,37,900  to  129000.

Naran Write and keep “CRYSTAL CLEAR ADD Platelets” and chant the switch words also.

Satish Thanks for your mantra. I am  happy  to  inform you that the  platelets  count  of  Suman has  increased  from  1,29,000 to 3,00,000 as  per  latest report. The WBC and RBC counts have also shown some improvement vis-a-vis last report.

Explanation To have clarity in the mind: CRYSTAL The infection or side-effect of any treatment that reduces platelets: CLEAR Platelets will keep on reducing during chemotherapy treatment and when you are affected by a viral infection. To increase the platelets count: ADD This is a beautiful case history for the power of switch words.

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