Naran Sri Balakumar If you are obsessed of anything, it may not happen.
I want you to change your mind-set and be relaxed.
I am always scared of losing my love. I know I became obsessed and I really try to be relaxed and leave it to divine.
However, I get impatient as I lost my first love like this. That’s why I think it is going to happen again.
Naran Sri Balakumar Whenever you get the fear just say within, “Why this fear”? The mind always has a tendency to think and feel as it did in the past. The event may be new. The feelings and thoughts are never new.
The same feelings and the same thoughts are produced every day. As long as we think that we are mute spectators of events, we cannot do anything. You are not your mind. When it produces some feeling or thought, which you don’t like, you have the ability to release it. When a feeling arises, or when a thought comes out, just say:
Can I release this thought?
Why should I keep this thought?
Is this thought helping me or hindering me?
If it hinders me, can I release it?
If the answer is “yes” say, “I release this thought.” Say this as many times as possible so that you are out of the fear. This method will help you come out of fear. Fear always manifests what you don’t want in life.
You have told me not to be obsessed and to relax. But how can I able to know my limits? Can’t I have right to express my feeling? Can’t I pray or try to regain my lost harmony between us?
I am chanting mantras with full faith on divine. How can I know that there is still a hope? Because we are neither astrologer nor we can talk to divine.
I am going to say my feeling to him tomorrow after chanting “OM CHAM NAMAHA, OM JAM NAMAHA”.
Naran Sri Balakumar When you are obsessed with worry and fear you are breaking the quantum rules. Your fear will manifest the one which you don’t want, instead of getting what you want. Desire something. Quieten your mind, relax and release it to the divine field. Approaching anything with the calm and relaxed mind has got better chance of getting what we want. How to remain calm and relaxed?
That is where the surrendering attitude enters. By surrendering the desire to the divine field, you accept what the divine offers.
Surrendering makes you think that whatever divine offer is good for me.