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Moving into the Prosperity Zone

Naran “SURYA NARAYANAM LAKSHMI NARAYANAM” is the mantra for memory, and property.

Mantra for handling financial property Anything regarding land, selling etc. for example, one person wants to sell the land. It is his own land got it in the right manner and he has not cheated anyone. It is a 40 year old property. When he wanted to sell the same, he observed that his initial is not proper in the document. That is, his name is R. Rajagopal but in the document it was mentioned as S. Rajagopal. He chanted the mantra. In the Registrar Office, they did not bother. The registrar office people verified the relevant old documents and gave a letter stating that it is a typographical error. For buying the property also you can chant this mantra so that you will buy the right property.


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