I gave herBach Flower Remedies Rescue Remedy and Holy.
I asked her to do the acceptance Mudra and do the affirmations.
I asked her to affirm, “This is how god has made him. This is how god wants him to behave. With him, there is something I need to learn.” The very statement may appear simple. But, it works very well with couples.
I also asked her to affirm, “This is how god has made me. Let me not interfere with Divine Will. I am happy to accept God’s Will and Divine Order from today”. Acceptance will come when you understand there is a divine purpose behind everything and if we do not to interfere with the Divine Order. When you accept, automatically a new pattern of thinking will come and you will feel a new surge of energy. Change in you will change the other person. We only need to have patience and acceptance. Then alone we can adjust to our circumstances. Life is nothing but adjustment and comprise. That’s the Bach Flower Remedy Walnut! Take Walnut or chant the Switch Word ‘Adjust’. Feedback from Deepa “Till today I feel alright. I have become a new person. I could accept my husband as he is”. Naran S. Balakumar: Whenever she meets me, she used to say, “These affirmations are so divine that the moment I think about them, unusual peace dawns on me and all my anger vanishes.”
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