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Make it Happen

Client I went through your website and found the following things useful in my life.

Studies well Whenever my son doesn’t study well, I simply chant “FIND WHY Akil studies better these days”. Invariably, he finds excuses to study, yes excuses. I don’t care as long he studies, with or without complaints.

Being happy After consulting you, I chant “FIND WHY <my spouse name> is happy”. Somehow, things turn out to be well between us. Either, I do something that makes him happy or he does something which is a happy thing for him. In the end, both of us are happy. I also say the same thing, “FIND WHY <my name> is happy”. I start doing things that makes me happy – simple things like going to a movie, somehow finding time to read and finish a novel, and so on.

Healthy by all means I worry about my health a lot. I chant “FIND WHY <my name> is hale and healthy”. I realize that I have started doing things healthy and avoiding things that are not good for me.

Naran How does this work? One part of us knows how to be happy and how to make things happen. We activate that part by these chants and affirmation. How to create the affirmation? Start it with the words “FIND WHY” and then fill it up with anything you want – as though it has happened, which can be in English or any language of your choice. For example, when you want your servant to come regularly for work, you can do any of the following two: Chant “FIND WHY my servant comes for work regularly” Or say “FIND WHY <in your language why she comes for work regularly>”


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