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Getting married is in your hands

NaranDraw a Silver Triangle on the left palm.

Ask “Why should I get married?Put all the answers in the left palm (triangle) - put the desire in the triangle  Lock it by drawing an inverted triangle over it. Draw another triangle on the right palm.

Ask “Why am I unable to get married?Put all the answers in the right palm triangle. Lock it by drawing an inverted triangle over it. Keep the left palm, 1 to 1 ½’ away horizontally from the right palm – both the palms face each other. Bring both the palms together slowly …very very slowly towards each other till both meet at the centre. While doing so, chant "I AM SORRY, PLEASE FORGIVE ME, ALIGN LINK CENTRE DIVINE”.

Ask another question – What are the positive points in being unmarried? Put the positive points on the right palm. What are the negative points in being unmarried? Put the negative points on the left palm. Follow the healing steps.

Ask one more questionWhat are positive points in getting married? Put the positive points on the left palm. What are the negative points in getting married? Put the negative points on the right palm. Follow the healing steps.

Write “SUPREME LOVE SEAL LIFT KIND DIVINE” daily in a notebook for 51 times.DO THE ENTIRE ROUTINE FOR 42 DAYS.

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