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Everybody wants love

Grace I am making much progress on receiving love by doing EFT for all the contributing factors to my resistance to receiving love and releasing my desire for love. Persistence was the key. Now, I’m noticing all the ways in which people need love and care. I think I was blind to it before. The problem now is either I do not know how to provide love or I find that I am very reluctant to give it. For example, telling my friend something nice about them. I really don’t feel like it is necessary but I see people need affirmation. Please help me become better at giving love in a way my close friends and relatives can receive. I am also VERY reluctant to say “I love you.”

Pami I too am facing same thing, with some experiences in life. I feel reluctant to say I LOVE YOU and feel something odd or negative in showing love. I was exactly opposite.

Naran Everybody wants love and affection. We express that through our expression and behavior only. Every action of ours is aimed at that only. Love is spontaneous when it is divine. When you say that people expect a word of appreciation, give it. If you view, it is not necessary, then don’t think about it. But if you are concerned about it, then you also want approval from others.


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