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Developed Good Communication and Understanding

Updated: Apr 18

Grace I have another incredible turnaround. I want to preface this by saying that I have also been using the circle technique to utilize a set of Bach flowers you gave me for releasing old fears and securing a new job.

I have also been writing down some of the mantras from your site so I have been close to healing vibes if you will.

In any case, I have been in a serious conflict with my boyfriend for a few days - the culmination of a little over a year of disagreement. I have explained to him again and again my views and why I have been upset with him. For this entire time I have not felt listened to you. Growing desperate yesterday I just remembered the animal spirit guide BLUE WHALE.

I asked Blue whale to help resolve the situation because I felt I couldn't let it go without being understood. It was too frustrating.

Over the next few hours he SUDDENLY started actually listening and understanding what I have been saying. Many things were cleared up!

This does not mean we have decided to continue our relationship necessarily but there is such peace for me in knowing that I am not doomed to always be unheard. He also was able to express to me several things which were on his mind. Thank you Blue whale! Thank you Naran!


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