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Any types of blocks can be removed

NaranRaj was a student of mine. His brother-in-law had a heart problem. When they did the scanning they found out that his lungs had fluid and unless it is removed, the heart block cannot be removed. Five times it happened and without any progress in sight. He searched through my blogs and found that the mantra, “SRINIVASA ARAVINDALOCHANA” can remove blocks in lungs. He asked his sister to chant it in a glass of water and give it to her husband. Additionally, he told her to whisper the mantra near the ears of her husband. She did both. Next month, when the doctors decided to do the operation, they did all the reports. To their surprise they found out both the blocks in lungs and heart is not there anymore. They didn’t believe that patient took no other treatment except for taking the mantra-charged water.


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