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Stay Healthy- Mudras, Pranayama

Writer's picture: ChampaklalChampaklal

Daily routine to stay healthy.

1. Kapalabhathi

Daily, first do kapalabhati on waking up.

It detoxifies and purifies the lungs and clears the path of oxygen.

(When any of the nostrils are blocked, exhale through open/unblocked nostrils.)

2. Brahmaari pranayama

All false, fear inducing negative information, thoughts you receive from outside environment is released from the throat chakra.

3. Pancha Mudra Pranayama

Helps to maintain the peace and spiritual equilibrium and remain healthy during the stressful situations.

Chin Mudra

Benefits: Lower part of the lungs is oxygenated.

Lower part of the lung capacity expands.

Finger position

Index finger touching the tip of the thumb.

Inhale deeply. (5 counts)

Hold. (While holding, chant within Shanthi – 5 counts)

Exhale. (7 or 9 counts)

Hold (While holding (5 counts), chant within Shanthi. Increase the count


Repeat it for 5 rounds.

Chinmaya Mudra

Benefits: Middle part of the lungs is oxygenated

Middle part of the lung capacity expands.

When you chant Shanthi, you are sending the mantra through the breath to blood cells. When blood cells send oxygen to organs, it sends the message Shanthi (Peace).

Finger position

All the three fingers are at the base of the thumb and index finger touching the tip of thumb.

Inhale deeply. (5 counts)

Hold. (While holding, chant within Shanthi – 5 counts)

Exhale. (7 or 9 counts)

Hold (While holding (5 counts), chant within Shanthi. Increase the count


Repeat it for 5 rounds.

Adi Mudra

Benefits: Upper part of the lungs is oxygenated

Upper part of the lung capacity expands.

Finger position

The thumb is placed at the base of the small finger, and the remaining fingers curl over the thumb, forming a light fist.

Inhale deeply. (5 counts)

Hold. (While holding, chant within Shanthi – 5 counts)

Exhale. (7 or 9 counts)

Hold (While holding (5 counts), chant within Shanthi. Increase the count


Repeat it for 5 rounds.

Meru Mudra

Benefits: Oxygenates all organs in the body.

When you chant Shanthi in this mudra, it directly goes to the organs.

Thumb represents fire element. It activates and balances the fire in all organs.

It makes the weak organs stronger by activating the fire element.

Finger position

Thumb straight like thumbs up, and the other fingers folded touching the palm. The hands rests on the thighs.

Inhale deeply. (5 counts)

Hold. (While holding, chant within Shanthi – 5 counts)

Exhale. (7 or 9 counts)

Hold (While holding (5 counts), chant within Shanthi. Increase the count


Repeat it for 5 rounds.

Poorna mudra:

Benefits: Breath circulates Shanthi all over the body.

Finger position :

The fingers wrapped around the thumbs and the knuckles of both hands pressed together and place it below the hara center. (below navel)

Inhale deeply. (5 counts)

Hold. (While holding, chant within Shanthi

– 5 counts)

Exhale. (7 or 9 counts)

Hold (While holding (5 counts), chant within Shanthi. Increase the count gradually)

Repeat it for 5 rounds.

Daily practice of mudra pranayama makes you mentally and emotionally stronger.

When you have control over the prana, you will have control over the mind. If your mind is in your control, You will attract and receive only good things in life.

This mudra pranayama can be done during any time of the day in empty stomach.


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