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Geetha K L
I am working in a company and our company conducts tests and we need to clear the same which will be considered for the appraisal/promotion. There will be 3 attempts per year.
I am not able to clear in 3 attempts also in the previous year. This year I have got to clear it. Already I have taken 1st attempt and couldn’t clear.
There are 2 more attempts left. I am really frustrated.
You had told me to chant “ELM, TOGETHER”. Will it be enough? I am scared to take exam thinking if I will again fail.
Geetha K L
Thanks a lot for your advice.
I took today online exam and cleared. I chanted “ELM TOGETHER” daily and also wrote 100 times in book 4-5 days before exam.
I am really feeling very confident now.
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