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When we meditate we are supposed to control our anger. That is the purpose of meditation. But, even then the anger comes. Does it mean that we are not doing the meditation properly?
How to channel your anger?
Then what is method by which we can channelize our anger?
No emotion can be controlled, because if you try to control an emotion then it will bounce back at a later date when you do not want it.
Controlling is different. Channelizing the emotion is different. Both are not possible by the mind.
So, whatever the thought that comes to the mind, simply say, "I release this thought".
That is the way you can handle the mind or the thoughts of the mind. We always think that we are the mind.
But the mind is the tool for the soul inside (us). For the soul to do the observation, the mind is given as its tool. The senses are its gateways.
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