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Bachflowers -Hyderabad workshop by Haripriya

Updated: May 10, 2020

A student who attended Naran Sir's Basics of Bachflowers class taken by me expressed gratitude for Naransir's teachings as they are simple and amazing. Read in her words....

Honestly I did read a lot about Bach flower remedied through net but it was information only n with attending the session the information did get converted to knowledge ! The way Mam taught us with key words was really helpful n I am sure it would not be available in any other medium .

Wanted to drop in loads of thanks for the wonderful session we had on Sunday .

Really appreciate the efforts taken for the session . A big thank you Dr. Pawan for all the logistics n comfortable arrangements made.

I look forward to more such sessions Mam n Dr. Pawan

Guys in the group I have started using these remedies through chanting n I can see certain results .. Do try and experience it yourself is all I would wish to say.

Sheela Reddy, Hyderabad


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