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More the problems, stronger I become

Mrs. Divya From morning, I was brooding on one of the problems that cropped up in the past 3 days. I was praying to solve the problem and left it to the Divine to provide a solution. Earlier, I had cried so much in the morning. I had bought the Power Life Symbols Workshop CD from the centre a day back. I started listening to it. On listening to your voice, I am not sure what energy entered my body, my pain was gone. My feelings were cleared and felt so nice. Divine is probably trying to clear the problems in my life. The problem I was facing then was I was struggling to arrange for funds for our house-warming Pooja. And finally it did happen. Divine provided me the funds with all my savings. I could not believe my eyes that I had made up so much of savings. Then suddenly my in-laws raised a problem for my husband. They were forcing him to borrow money from others and pay them a sum of rupees 2 lakhs. I became a little upset. Finally, I could arrange for the funds up to 2 lakhs and gave it to my husband. I am not sure how it happened and I do not know what’s happening around me. These days, I am becoming stronger and stronger more as the problems were shooting up. I see some connection here - after I bought and started listening to the CDs: “Leap forward and progress”, “Durga Durgama” and “Shivohum” All these changes have happened. How to co-relate these changes, I do not know? Once again, thank you so much.

Naran The workshop CD contains a meditation based on the relationship between Lord Krishna and his friend Khusela. It is a story on how a poverty-driven life was changed to prosperity-filled one, all because of total devotion of Khusela to his friendship without having any expectations. That has done the trick to Divya to solve her financial problem. Her faith is divine has helped her to open up to the healing energies of the meditation and solve her financial problems. One day, I will come out with a CD based on that story for the benefit of all.


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