Naran S BalakumarFor some issues, you will find solution easily.Even for issues that are pending to be resolved for several years can be resolved easily by following a simple technique.However, some other issue mayn’t die down easily. You need to do a lot of work to resolve it.For the same reason, I want my fellow travelers in the healing path not to give up on their chronic problems and instead dig deeper to solve them.Also note that there is no single technique that is applicable to everyone in the world.What works for one – say a Mudra technique to reduce heart palpitation, may not work for others. They may need Bach Flower Remedies as well Gem remedies.In addition, what works today may not work tomorrow.Therefore, be open to various healing methods. Have Trust in the one divine power to find out what will work for you today. Surely Divine is waiting out there to help you out.Good Luck!!!