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Healing number code -617

Chant 617

- To be in serenity.

- To complete project/work, chant 617.

- To apply oneself whole-heartedly in a work

- For children to study well

- To complete assignments, schoolwork etc

Healing Methods

1. Chant the healing number code as many times as possible throughout the day.

2. Chant the healing number code over a glass of water and drink it.

3. Write the healing number code in a piece of paper and wrap it around a bottle or glass and charge the water with healing number code and drink the water regularly.

4. Write the healing number code in a piece of paper and keep it in your pocket or purse.

5. Write the healing number code in a piece of paper and keep it under the pillow. Before going to sleep, look at the paper and chant healing number code as many times as possible and when you wake up, take the paper again and look at it and chant as many times as possible.

6. Write in a notebook, the healing number codes 54 times or 108 times.

Note: These healing methods can be used for switch word healing, power symbols healing...


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