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Getting out of Troubled Water

Radha’s conflicts with her husband and her in-laws had started within six weeks of her wedding. After two years, the situation has not improved rather it is getting worse. She is very keen to solve her issues, as she does not want to go for a divorce.

Naran S. Balakumar gave her Jelly Fish pills and Harmony Pack (Bach Flowers). She had to put five pills of each in the common drinking water. In addition, she has to keep a Jelly Fish photograph in her purse too.

Within three days, she and her husband had dinner together after a long time. He told her that he appreciates the amount of effort she puts in for the sake of the family. In addition, he expressed his love for her.

They are still a long way to go, but definitely, Jelly Fish had given them a good start. Use Jelly Fish to patch up relationships as it helps us to come out of any conflict situations. Harmony pack brings harmony within oneself and in turn harmony around us.


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