Naran Once you carry the Bach Flower Remedies in your pockets, you enter the energy field of the Bach flowers you are carrying. In addition, mentally you could say few times that you have entered the energy field of so and so remedy too. Ravi is a social worker, and he has to meet people to collect donations for his agency that caters to the needs of the old-age people. He carries with him always WALNUT and CHICORY as this is a good combination for any type of negotiations – both for money and relationship. This combination provides Win-win situations for everybody concerned. Similar situations that demand this approach are:
Carry BEECH and WALNUT with you when you are expressing your problems that you are facing in your organization.
WALNUT for interviews
GORSE and CLEMATIS when you are visiting temples and you want to have a wonderful dharshan In fact, whenever you are working on major issue in your life, you can follow this approach along with other methods. – Notes from Naran’s workshops on Bach Flower Remedies To know about Bach Flower Remedies, please attend the workshop by Naran S Balakumar, at Bangalore, on 14th Dec, 2013. Further details will be provided later.