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Free yourself from itching sensation

StudentI was having itching sensation in my hip and beneath my breasts for a month before attending Naran’s IEFT (Tapping/ EFT) workshop. Since I checked my skin thoroughly that I did not get any infection or fungus, I knew it was Psychological as I was working without break - at home, College and Center. The day I realized it, I opened my inbox to see details about IEFT programme. My instinct told me that I will cure this by attending it. I immediately mailed to Shobana to book and called Wolf to materialize my effort. After I returned from the workshop I did not have the itching sensation. I do tapping once daily regularly and I am free from the itching sensation completely. I waited for a month to give valid feedback.  Thank you very much Naran S Balakumar for the wonderful healing technique I had learnt from you.


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