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Then, what is a balanced state of life?
It is a state of mind where each part of life is equally distributed. So to balance your work and family, as well as to balance your physical health and spiritual life, we need the switch word TOGETHER.
To be stable in any situation TOGETHER is the word.
TOGETHER is sufficient for us
TOGETHER is one word that is sufficient for us, because we do not have a balanced life. So chant this word for 10 minutes and tell me what you find. You can chant like a mad person.
Every switch word goes deep into the subconscious mind. Chanting for 10 minutes is nothing. You have to go on chant like a mad person.
Our conscious mind obeys like a dog
You need not visualize anything. These words do not require visualization.
It will go inside and bring all the meanings of TOGETHER. It goes and activates the sub-conscious mind as TOGETHER is a command word.
Our conscious mind is like a dog. We love dogs because they listen to us and do whatever we say.
If we are angry it still keeps coming to us and it understands our mood. So we love dogs. However, we do not like humans. So the conscious mind is like a dog. Subconscious mind is the master.
The conscious mind does not do anything about this switch word because it is only a dog. Only the subconscious mind is activated by chanting, which then gives direction to the conscious mind.
We don’t have a Free Will
All of us think that we have a free will. But there is no free will. Your directions from the subconscious mind are making youwork.
We all have the illusion that we have a free will. Ata lower level of the mind there is always conflict. By chanting TOGETHER you will get higher perceptions (of life).
Conflicts are at a Lower Level of Mind
Many people will come and ask me, “I have Baba photo in my house. In addition, I have a Mother photo and Raghavendra photo too. If I garland one photo and leave the other, will the other god will be angry with me?”
All the conflicts are at the lower level only. In an ego state (of mind), all conflicts will be there.
In Divine state, there is no conflict. We alone have separated that this is Mother, this is Baba, etc. But in divine state all are divine beings and all are spiritual beings.
An important switch word in our life
So keep chanting TOGETHER DIVINE. It is a very important switch word for our life. You can even do tapping, while chanting TOGETHER DIVINE.
How to find out where we are imbalanced in life?
You can chant by closing the eyes or keeping eyes wide open. But if you close the eyes and chant, we will come to know where we are imbalanced. You need not analyze anything.
After chanting TOGETHER DIVINE something will happen and you will automatically carry it out.
Checking out for happiness within
Do not try to find any change in the opposite person. In my mind, am I happy? That is sufficient. Am I in harmony with my own environment? Am I in harmony with my son and other people around me?
Let others be as they are. However, I have togive love to others. That’s all. We are always concentratingon receiving. Even if, our receiving is zero, it does not mean that we should not give.
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