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Doesn’t love me right from marriage

Updated: Jun 9


My husband does not love me from my marriage.

I don’t know what his problem is. He didn’t talk to me.

Behaving like a neighbor. I talked to him many times regarding this.

Yet, no proper response from him. Plz save my life!!!


Take the flower remedies WILLOW, CHICORY, WALNUT, BEECH and AGRIMONY – one of the Harmony Packs available in the centre as a combination.

Buy these remedies in any homeopathy shop. Mix 5 pills of each in water. Sip the water 6 to 7 times in a day.

Chant the mantras “OM HUM NAMAHA, OM YUM NAMAHA, OM RUM NAMAHA, OM VUM NAMAHA, OM LUM NAMAHA” for 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening. Keep CHIMPANZEE picture with you.

Notes from Animal Spirit Guide Manual


You want to resolve a conflict; you want peace and harmony to prevail, but don’t have it. Whenever we want something then it means we lack that in our lives.

To make amends with someone, call upon CHIMPANZEE.

Ask Chimpanzee, “Please solve this misunderstanding for me”.

It will heal the situation for you. We always have problems and quarrels – either with somebody in the family or on the road.

To have no problems inside your family call upon BLUE WHALE and CHIMPANZEE.

BLUE WHALE, JELLY FISH, PIGEON and CHIMPANZEE combination is the best combination for harmony.


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