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Divine Marriage Mall

NaranA girl came to see me with her mother. She was trying to get married and nothing fruitful happened. I told her to lie down and do the following exercise:

  1. Close your eyes. Visualize yourself leaving the body through the crown chakra – top of the head. Cross the planets, sun, stars and numerous galaxies of this universe.

  2. You are entering the MALL of GOD, where everything you name it is available for free, which we can take it to your liking, you being the child of god.

  3. Ask GOD to give you Mangala sutra (sacred thread for marriage) or ring as per your marriage custom. He is giving it you.

  4. Next ask him to show the person you are about to get married. He shows some person standing across.

  5. Along with him, come back to earth and go to a temple, church or wedding hall and get married to him.I asked her mother to do the exercise, slightly changing it, in the sense, she leaves the body, god shows her the groom, she brings him along when she comes down to earth, and gets him married to her daughter. They did the exercise for a month. The girl found a groom from the matrimony site.


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