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Benefits of Listening to Shivohum Meditation CD

Writer's picture: Brilla ElsolBrilla Elsol
  1. The mantra, “Shivohum” will be continuously played. Behind that there will be sounds to induce Alpha frequency. You will get into Alpha state, without you taking any special efforts, but to listen to the CD and do nothing else.

  2. First 10 days listen for 30 minutes. Clarity will come.

  3. After that, listen to the mantra CD for 1 hr (play 30 minutes CD twice). You will know how to take your decisions.

  4. Usually after attending a class, you will tend to forget the matter discussed in the class. However, after listening to the CD for a while, you will be able to recall everything though.

  5. While listening to the CD, you can think about anything. You do not need to listen to the mantra recited in the CD. You do not need to meditate either.

  6. Initially, you would feel restless, to hear the mantras, for one hour. Initially listen for 30 minutes, for the first 10 days. Start listening for 1 hr, after 10 days. It is important to do so, so as to make you achieve better results. Please note for Alzheimer, you have to listen to “Madavan Madavam” mantra. Different Levels of Meditation There are three major groupings or levels of meditation based on how deeper you are into meditation. They are Alpha, Delta and Theta. In normal waking state, we are in Beta. When you listen to the CD, as you listen to higher levels (starting from Shivohum Level One and going up till Shivohum Level Eight), you will go deeper and deeper into meditation. Alpha – our mind is in a relaxed state. Any suggestions and affirmations are retained by the brain. Theta – a state of brain/mind where you can direct your life. It is a child-like state. Children around 4 years are in theta state. It is a great learning stage. Their observation power, the learning ability, creativity, etc., are 100%. The affirmations repeated while listening to the theta state will manifest.  Theta waves increases creativity. Delta state – during your life, for a split of a second, now and then, you will be in the divine energy state. But with the help of meditation CD, you can be there for a longer duration time. Life will be good for you. For each of the 8 levels, you need to spend minimum of one month. Only then you can go to next level. First level takes you to alpha. You can have affirmations stored in the CD and condition your brain and thus life. You need not read books to gain knowledge. Automatically you will gain them when you reach the final level. By listening to the CD, indirectly you make the brain get to the deeper levels, for longer duration and with lesser effort. That’s the secret of the meditation CD. Unconsciously we go to different states and levels. With the help of Alpha meditation CDs, consciously we go to those states. What’s the difference? When we go unconsciously, there is no effect. Consciously you should be aware of that state so that your productivity would increase.


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