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Chakras, the major channels of energy
These 18 positions are governed by the seven chakras. Therefore by working on these positions you work on the chakras that channel the energy for us.
Origin of disease happens because of lack of energy in chakras. Why we need seven chakras?
Each of them has a role to play. Chakras decide where the energy has to go.
Our physical body is surrounded by etheric body. It’s a projection of our physical body.
When we touch the body, it influences the etheric body. Prana is inside both the bodies.
With the help of ‘Kirlian Photography’ we can see the images of these energy channels. Even the chair we are sitting upon has an energy field.
We are made of three bodies – physical, mental and etheric. We know how brain operates and where it is.
But we don’t know where mind is. Though, the origin of Prana and mind is one and the same.
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