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Positive vs. Negative thoughts

Naran S Balakumar A thought is a thought. Who says it is positive? We say so as judging, categorizing, good or bad, likes and dislikes, it is the creation of the human mind. For the divinity there is no judgment at all. It doesn’t judge that this is positive and that is negative. So good thought or bad thought, everything has to be released. Only when you do so, then only you will find what real happiness is. That is Sat Chit Ananda Roopini (goddess of ever-green-joy). However, even to feel the Sat Chit Anandam (ever-green-joy),one should have the grace of that energy. Unless we have the grace of the divine, we cannot do any action and move forward in life. At the same time unless we take the action, divine grace will not come. Both are dependent on each other.

We are not doing anything new There is nothing like past. Analyze your life now. Analyze your emotions and relationships now. This is what you did in the previous Janma. If you do analyze and release the present situation, that means you are also handling the karma efficiently. We are not doing anything new. Whatever we have done so far is the continuation of the previous life(s).

Then how to deviate or overlook the karma? When you start thinking differently about a particular issue then your past life karma will not have any effect on you, because you are going on a different path. Thinking differently and behaving differently in a situation is very important. If somebody is having a contrary opinion to you, our normal nature is to resist it or have a judgment about that person. Then how to go about it differently? It means, “Yes that person is telling his views. I have my own views. I appreciate his views and let him have his views and let me not try to change it either”. In that manner, you mend your ways and deviate from the past. For each and every behavior, find out how you behaved in the past and deviate from that. Then you are not re-living your past. Only when you are not reliving your past then only you can create a new future. That is another subject called as ‘Past-Life Healing’.


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