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Writer's pictureBrilla Elsol

Making others believe you

Surya I have completed many projects to a quite a few of my clients and many underway. Unfortunately, either they don’t pay the money in full or sometimes they delay the payment and for too long. I don’t know how to fix this situation.

Naran You would have told many lies in the past – might be in child-hood days, in college days, or would have cheated your friends and relatives in some way. There might have been situations in which you did not speak the truth. This has corrupted the energy field of your throat chakra, which stands for truth. On the contrary, these days you may be truthful, by all means. However, your clients are not able to comprehend it. Instead of trying to fix your past, let me tell you a solution that will solve your current financial situation. Chant “OM HUM NAMAH” as many times as possible. This will clear the congestion in your throat chakra. Then, your clients will start believing you.


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