Naran S BalakumarWhenever you are prevented or stopped, and there are obstaclesCORAL and YELLOW SAPPHIREWhen something is delayedCORALIf there is a black mark in the office or if one is black-listedDIAMONDIf the name is spoiled or blottedDIAMONDSome people get into rage for trivial mattersBLUE SAPPHIREUnwelcome situationsEven though some situations are unwelcome, you have to reconcile and accept. To establish harmony, EMERALD is the key.Somebody is controlling youIf there is always somebody, who is controlling you, then you will not be controlled: RUBYTo earn moreYELLOW SAPPHIRERestrict debts, for any type of recurring obstacles“I want to reduce my debts (they have to use this expression). Whatever I do is not reducing my debts” – then give them the gem remedy BLUE SAPPHIRE. When your debts are getting increased then BLUE SAPPHIRE would help you to reduce it.Expansion of businessYELLOW SAPPHIRE, CORALFor any recoveryRUBY is the remedy. From business loss one has to recover from their debts and start a new business, Ruby can help.Whenever you are about to speak to higher authoritiesTake BLUE SAPPHIRE, (Bach Flower Remedies) WATER VIOLET and LARCH. You will know what to speak to them.If you have work at government officesTake RUBY.Before visiting income tax officeTake RUBY. The staff will show you respect.